Comunicação entre Líderes e Liderados e seus Impactos nas Organizações LTDA da Cidade de Itapira
Communication, derived from the Latin communicare, meaning "to share," is an essential skill in human interaction, particularly within the business environment. This study addresses the impacts of internal communication in companies, where leaders and their subordinates communicate with the aim of achieving positive business outcomes. Internal communication is characterized by the exchange of information across all hierarchical levels within the organization. In the corporate context, leaders play a fundamental role in communication, as they are responsible for guiding their teams towards the organization’s goals. Effective communication stands out for its clarity, objectivity, and assertiveness, allowing all team members to understand the information conveyed. Implementing effective internal communication brings notable advantages, such as strengthening organizational culture and achieving goals. To analyze internal communication within companies, a bibliographic, qualitative, and exploratory study was conducted using a questionnaire with open-ended questions aimed at both leaders and their subordinates. This study was restricted to LLC companies in the city of Itapira, located in the Baixa Mogiana region. The research sought to investigate how leaders and their subordinates interpret communication and how it influences organizational results. The findings showed that clarity is one of the pillars of effective internal communication. It is worth noting that the questionnaire received more responses from subordinates than from leaders, indicating a perspective more representative of the former group. According to the research, a lack of clarity in communication can result in team discouragement and create obstacles to achieving team objectives, ultimately impacting business outcomes. The study evaluated both the positive and negative effects of communication, showing that transparent communication can lead to improved performance, while imprecise communication may provoke insecurity and dissatisfaction among employees.
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