
  • Janaina Olsen Rodrigues FATEC Itapira
  • Kaylaine Raíssa Borges de Jesus Fatec Itapira
  • Letícia Eduarda Carolino Fatec Itapira


The present study aimed primarily to explore and understand the tactics used by digital influencers to drive sales through Instagram marketing, as well as to investigate brand selection, the tools available on the platform, and the behavioral aspects involved. The research arose from the need to understand how influencers can influence consumers' purchasing decisions and how they manage their commercial partnerships. Digital influencers are individuals who, through content creation on digital platforms such as social media like Instagram, manage to attract a large number of followers and influence them in various behavioral ways, including the purchase of products and services. Influence marketing, therefore, uses digital influencers to connect brands with target audiences, shaping consumer perceptions and purchasing choices. Throughout the research, it was possible to identify that influencers employ a variety of strategies to increase their sales and engagement, including the creation of authentic content, the use of Instagram's interactive tools—such as reels, feed posts, stories, and direct messages—and building an emotional connection with their audience. In addition to the Instagram tools, the way influencers utilize them, such as conducting polls, Q&A boxes, and live sessions, enhances their connection with followers and thus the influence exerted. The results also showed that the selection of promoted brands is based on compatibility with the influencer's personal values and the expectations of their audience, confirming the hypothesis that the integration between the influencer and the brand is crucial for successful promotion. The tools on Instagram play a fundamental role in facilitating content creation and analyzing the impact of campaigns. Therefore, it was possible to understand the importance of the platform for the success of digital influencers and the products they promote.


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