nursing technician, palliative car, pediatricsAbstract
Childhood cancer is one of the main causes of death in children and adolescents, being a disease based on uncontrolled cell division and genetic mutation. OBJECTIVE: to identify the difficulty faced by nursing technicians in providing palliative care in pediatrics. Bibliographic review article carried out on articles from 2019 to 2024. Childhood cancer is one of the main causes of death, being a disease based on uncontrolled cell division and genetic mutation. This type of treatment is rarely discussed, which is why we have to discuss and develop topics and care aimed at pediatric patients. Considering that when therapeutic options to combat the disease are exhausted, palliative care comes into focus to provide comfort and quality of life. In this context, the important role of the nursing team also stands out as they are the professionals who have direct contact with patients and families, providing humanized care for children and adolescents with cancer, focusing on relieving and supporting suffering, physical needs, emotional, spiritual and comprehensive support for the patient and family throughout the journey. The team also needs to have a lot of training, physical and psychological preparation to deal with all this, because with all this experience in the workplace there can be emotional instability, causing harm to the professional's health and thus making it difficult to provide care to patients. and their family members.
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Conheça 3 tipos de artigos científicos. Disponível em:, acesso em 15/03/2024.