Timekeeping System with Geolocation.


  • Cristiano Andrade de Aguiar
  • Danilo Gerardi de Faria de Faria
  • Marcio Rodrigues Sabino
  • Rita de Cássia Catini de Macedo Fatec de Mogi Mirim - Arthur de Azevedo


electronic register, microservice, web application, geolocation


Currently, many employees in many companies record their hours worked on paper, a format that requires great caution on the part of those responsible for the records and demands considerable time from the administrative department to count the hours. This scenario justifies the need for a digital system that guarantees the security of information over time. The objective of this work was to develop a time-tracking system for employees of institutions or companies. To achieve this objective, a microservice was created that receives requests from a client web application and stores them in a non-relational database. The unique feature of this project lies in the use of geolocation to verify the user's position, allowing the recording of hours only when the employee is within an area permitted by the company, or refusing it with an alert message otherwise. This technological solution is not only economically viable, but also provides security for the records and facilitates the process for both users and administrative staff.


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