Analysis of Aspects of Corporate Management at Natura & CO


  • Henrique Bazani Arruda
  • Tiago Antunis da França
  • Joaquim M. F. Antunes
  • Gilberto Brandão Marcon


Natura & Co, Strategic Management, Quality management systems, Information management


Natura &Co is a global community of people working together for a better world. To achieve its purpose, Natura &Co has Corporate Governance as one of its pillars, through which it establishes robust standards of transparency, equity, accountability and corporate responsibility. Natura &Co's Corporate Governance system follows the best national and international governance practices and is reviewed annually to ensure that its processes are in line with the governance guidelines established by the Board of Directors. Thus, the present work aims to analyze Natura &CO's management systems, especially with regard to the quality embedded in the company's mission. As specific objectives, it is expected to better understand the information systems, which enable the logistics process of a world-class company, which impacts on its differentiated strategic management system. In the end, he was able to conclude that the Strategic Management for a company of this size must develop a methodology for identifying attractive business opportunities that add value and enrich the corporate strategy. An organization must evaluate: 1- the attractiveness of the sector or sectoral segment, as there are great differences from one sector to another, whether in the desires and needs of customers, or in growth rates, returns, etc.; 2- the possibility of leveraging important resources or capabilities that may constitute competitive differentials; 3- transaction costs; 4- the ability to capture a large portion of the value that is intended to be created; 5- And whether the implementation can take place effectively, since the higher the intended synergies between the new unit and the existing ones, the greater the need for integration between the units




